Now new and Improved
Geoffrey is walking.
Yes thats right, he started ages ago pulling himself up on to things and walking along holding it. Then the other night I decided to hold his hand and walk with him, he walked very well, it seemed to build his confidence, and he took his first steps towards his Mummy.
He has since been walking a lot between Fiona and I, and even on his own accord. The best yet was when Fiona and I came home, after I had picked her up from work and he walked out into the entrance to meet us.
He is so cute and so tall.
Hmm other stuff, well I did post a blog entry before I left on our cruise but a few days into the cruise there was an accident with the server and the post was lost, and blogger seemingly don't have it anymore. Then I tried to post a blog entry while on the cruise but the cruises internet connection redirects port 143 imap and port 25 smtp to their own servers, unbeknownst to me, so when I clicked send on the email to my blog, and emails to my family, they went to their servers and no further and as I have my email set to imap it tried to store my sent item in my imap sent item folder but couldn't so the emails and data are lost. Very, very annoying. I mean what is the point of wireless if it is neutered.
So to recap a little from the cruise.
We had a good time sailing across the Pacific, I worried I would get sea-sick but didn't. Geoffrey was a flirt, having several girls and waitresses learning his name and playing with him. He enjoyed the attention.
The first stop we got to was, Noemea the capital of New Caledonia, a French territory. It was a fairly interesting city, with an obvious large unemployed percentage. But the French culture really shone through, with the supermarket selling wine, and the drivers all driving Peugot's Citroen's and other god-awful French cars. They also drive at break-neck speed and when crossing a zebra-crossing they will leave it to the last few meters to slam on their brakes. It was also very odd to see people smoking inside a shopping mall, and even inside some shops.
Then from their on to Port Villa in Vanuatu. A very beautiful place, with obviously a few Australians living there. We started out our day there going on a tour to a traditional tribal village, which was very good and very interesting. After that we went back to the ship had lunch then went shopping, which was very good.
Then we stopped and another island that was part of New Caledonia, where I got sunburnt.
I think I have decided I will put a more details Journal and pictures in my Jaunts section when I get around to it.
In other news shortly after we got back MrHankey, my laptop died, well the screen did. I intend to fix it but was looking at getting a new one anyway enter Gandalf, named as such cause it is white :)
It is also a beast, but very light.
Well since my last post I have been with Insight for 3 months, and things have really happened. Lots of fun playing with SQL and exchange replication, and Linux as well. There is also some good stuff on the horizon. Tis good.
Oh yeah here is a photo of all of us on the cruise.

Oh yeah and the reason for the heading New and Improved, well it came to me to describe Geoffrey's new abilities, but I also had to mention one of our clients has People Telecom as their internet service provider... People Telecom is terrible, I have waited for over an hour at a time to call and check on logged cases, and always they have these annoying little diatribes amongst their hold music and advertising. One of these diatribes goes like this; "Why is it new and improved, if it is new how can it be improved and if it is improved how can it be new", there were others but I think I will spare you all.
Peace out all even the idiot who thought these little diatribes would be funny after the 50th time you have heard them.