Have I got a Storey to tell
Well not really actually but I have one to introduce, the newest edition to the Storey/Henderson Clan and making Fiona and I, a family; Geoffrey Storey.

Entering the world this day at 7:17pm (The doctors said 7:16pm) weighing 4.13kgs and measuring in at 50cm...and poking his tongue out at everyone like the little smarty he is.
Oh yeah and you can start disregarding the below and start regarding the above.
Peace out all, especially Geoffrey and his Beautiful Mummy.
Welcome to the world geoffery from you aunt, uncle and 2 couisins JKL&M storey .
P.S show em ur tonge cuttey :)
I love my little Geoffrey so much it brings tears to my eyes to see. I see him look into my eyes with such love and trust.... Ah it was all so worth it. Love you so much precious. You're just so cute and gorgeous like your daddy.
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